
Liaising with the press

The Coalition for Evidence-based Education (CEBE) is developing an Education Media Centre - a new initiative that aims to make education research more accessible to the media and policy makers and so improve policy development, practice and public understanding of education. It will provide users with authoritative, independent and accessible insights from education research in response to current research and policy developments.

Serving professional's needs

The aim of the Evidence for the Frontline (E4F) scheme is to develop and test ways of enhancing educational practice by linking practitioners with researchers, high quality evidence, evidence-based programmes and colleagues in other schools.

The project is a collaboration between Sandringham School in St Albans and the Institute for Effective Education, based at the University of York, working with 12 schools to develop the process and a further 20 to pilot it.


Guidance for organisational change

A new guide for individuals and teams interested in leading research-engagement in educational settings was published in March 2017. Developed by a cross-sector team brought together by CEBE, the guide explains what is meant by research-engagement and provides clear and actionable guidance on creating an environment in which evidence-informed practice can flourish. It includes practical case-study examples and links to further helpful resources.

Evidence and Leadership

A group of teacher leaders, teachers, researchers and intermediaries has come together under CEBE to try to improve the use of evidence in the leadership of schools, colleges, adult and early years settings. The focus of its first project is the role of leaders in fostering a culture of research and evidence-use in their own organisations.


When teachers and school leaders look for evidence in order to help them make important choices in the context of their classroom practice or school-level interventions, they are frequently presented with a multitude of claims and counter-claims, supported by varying kinds and qualities of research. Given most educators don’t possess a background in research methods or statistics, how can we help them to better navigate this evidence?