Getting Involved
Getting involved – that is what CEBE is all about. The Coalition was set up by individuals from many different organisations, keen to see research evidence more actively used in education. It is simply a network of people and organisations working together on projects.
You can get involved in a way that suits you...
- Keeping in touch via the newsletter
- Participating in a project
- Attending an event
- Sending information for the newsletter about your activities
- Putting forward proposals for a new collaborative project
- Putting forward your organisation as a CEBE member
The newsletter keeps CEBE people in touch. It is sent by email every few months. To join the mailing list or submit an item for it, please email your details to [email protected] (the webform below is currently not working). Your personal details (name, organisation, and email address) will be held by the Institute for Effective Education, which uses GDPR-compliant email software to send out the newsletters and other emails.
To participate in a CEBE project, read about current projects on the website and email the coordinator.
New projects come from groups of member organisations wishing to collaborate on something relevant to the CEBE mission. To put forward a proposal, or to become a member organisation, contact the secretariat ([email protected]).
The About Us section briefly sets out CEBE’s approach. If you would like further information on the thinking and preliminary work behind CEBE please read the Position Paper. If it chimes with you, why not get in touch?