Education Media Centre – Parliamentary reception and briefing event
Over the past few months, the team developing the EMC have consulted all parts of the education sector – policy makers, journalists, educationalists, researchers – and have received unanimous support for the proposals.
Moving forward, we are now focusing on fundraising activities to get the EMC off the ground. To kick things off we are organising a briefing event in parliament on 22 November (6.30 – 8pm) to raise awareness around the EMC project.
Speakers will illustrate how the EMC will provide journalists and policy makers with authoritative, independent and accessible insights from education research, and so, help them base their outputs on robust evidence. Information from a three-month consultation, funded by City & Guilds, will be available that demonstrates a clear need for the EMC.
Places are limited at this event, so please confirm your interest as soon as possible, by contacting Dr Jonathan Sharples at the Institute for Effective Education (Tel: 01904 328167 E-mail: [email protected]).