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NFER and knowledge mobilisation

The NFER review of knowledge mobilisation points to several significant hurdles preventing teachers engaging with research evidence to transform learning, but it also gives a clear indication of how to overcome such obstacles.

Should government have a role in choreographing an evidence system in education?

Central government has a vital role to play in ensuring that the education system makes full use of rigorous and robust research evidence wherever possible.

Education Media Centre starts work

The Education Media Centre (EMC) is now up and running.
The EMC is an independent charity set up to improve the public and media understanding of education research and evidence.

EIPPEE initiative leads to permanent international network

A three-year international programme to enhance the use of research evidence as an essential aspect of efforts to improve education has resulted in the creation of a permanent network to continue the work. Three years ago, 18 partners from 10 European countries joined a project on evidence in education, set up by the EPPI Centre at the Institute of Education in London and funded by the European Commission.

New Alliance for Useful Evidence report on 'Evidence-informed practice'

Evidence for the Frontline: A report for the Alliance for Useful Evidence

A new paper explores what can be drawn from the advances in a range of fields to mobilise research knowledge more effectively across social policy and practice.

Research into effective use of pupil premium published by Ofsted, IPPR and the Sutton Trust

An abundance of research and inspection evidence on the effectiveness of school spending on the pupil premium has been published in recent weeks, including reports from Ofsted (, IPPR (, and the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) and Sutton Trust.

New report by Carol Campbell and Ben Levin on using research to inform practice

The urgent need to build strong connections between school teachers and researchers was a much debated theme at threeEducation Endowment Foundation events last autumn.

Education Endowment Foundation provides boost to developing evidence-based practices for poorest students

This summer saw a promising glimpse of the coalition government’s will to back the development and growth of evidence-based interventions in education, through the formation of the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).  Under the guidance of the Sutton Trust and Impetus Trust, the EEF is planning to invest as much as £200m over the next 15 years in initiatives that raise the achievement of pupils in the most challenging circumstances.

CEBE 2011/12 Event Series

When CEBE began in 2009 it was widely felt that we didn't want it to just be just a 'talking shop', but instead wanted to encourage progress through joint action.