Latest News & Updates

Education Media Centre starts work

The Education Media Centre (EMC) is now up and running.
The EMC is an independent charity set up to improve the public and media understanding of education research and evidence.

CEBE 2011/12 Event Series

When CEBE began in 2009 it was widely felt that we didn't want it to just be just a 'talking shop', but instead wanted to encourage progress through joint action.

Evidence for the Frontline project moves into action!

Over the last couple of months, a CEBE working group has been speaking with a diverse range of teaching professionals to identify their needs in terms of accessing and using research evidence. 

Feasibility study shows strong need for Education Media Centre

There has been significant progress over the last three months on the CEBE project to develop an Education Media Centre - a new initiative to make education research more accessible to the press, media and policy makers.

Three years of funding received for CEBE infrastructure

The Institute for Effective Education (IEE) has received funding through the Bowland Trust to support the infrastructure costs of CEBE over the next three years. This funding will cover ongoing costs for CEBE meetings, support working groups on specific projects/proposals, enable communications across the network of CEBE members, and support the steering group in its strategic overview of CEBE.