Evidence for the Frontline receives EEF support
Work begins in earnest this spring to promote the use of research-based evidence more effectively in schools, following the agreement of the Education Endowment Foundation to support the work of Evidence for the Frontline.
The aim of Evidence for the Frontline is to develop and test ways of enhancing educational practice by linking practitioners with researchers, high quality evidence, evidence-based programmes and colleagues in other schools. Many of the 11 schools chosen to develop the process start work in April/May on the project – a collaboration between Sandringham School in St Albans, Hertfordshire, which acts as the hub school, and the Institute for Effective Education at the University of York. In the autumn, a further 20 will start piloting the work.
Schools with issues for which they are seeking research evidence will contact Sandringham, and the school’s Evidence for the Frontline office will help them decide on a next step, which might be to:
- contact a research expert prepared to discuss the evidence base with the school
- investigate existing resources via a dedicated website and app
- make contact with a school which has faced a similar issue
The approach was been developed in the light of recent evidence about effectiveness in using research to inform public services. It will be evaluated and adapted as necessary in the light of the pilot studies for learners.
If you are interested in this project and its progress please contact Caroline Creaby at [email protected]