NFER joins the secretariat of the Coalition for Evidence-based Education
The National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), one of the UK’s leading independent research organisations, has become a partner in the Coalition for Evidence-based Education (CEBE), working with the Institute for Effective Education to provide CEBE’s secretariat. CEBE is an alliance of researchers, policymakers and practitioners who are interested in improving the way research evidence is accessed and used across the sector. Its aim is to provide a platform to share ideas, set up new collaborative projects and host events.
NFER has a strong reputation for developing evidence-based education. It supports independent evidence-informed approaches to classroom practice, professional development, school improvement and education policy.
NFER Chief Executive Carole Willis said: “Supporting and delivering evidence-based education is one of our core objectives and we will be working with CEBE to bring together researchers and practitioners to help achieve this. Our strong relationships with schools, combined with our research expertise, means we understand the challenges involved to do this successfully.”
NFER hosted the first in a series of CEBE seminars earlier this year that focused on linking evidence and practice in education. The event was attended by over 70 delegates including researchers, practitioners, school leaders, school and further education representative bodies, government agencies and the Department for Education. Two additional CEBE seminars followed, hosted in turn by the London Leadership Strategy and the Department for Education. CEBE will host a final 2014 workshop on 8 December to bring together the learning from all three events and to develop some actionable projects for 2015.
Andrew Morris, chair of the CEBE Steering Group said: “CEBE welcomes the addition of NFER to work with the Institute for Effective Education in providing the secretariat. This will strengthen CEBE’s capacity to advance thinking and encourage collaborative activity on the use of evidence in education.”