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C4EO/IEE research review shows that effective classroom strategies make the biggest difference to learning outcomes.

A new review, published by the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People’s Services (C4EO), has shown that improving classroom practice can close the achievement gap for children living in poverty.

The review, carried out by the Institute for Effective Education at the University of York, found that it is the quality of teaching that makes the biggest difference to learning outcomes.

EPPI Centre successful in EU bid

The EPPI Centre, at the Institute of Education, has been successful in its bid to the European Commission for a two year project to build a network on evidence-based policy and practice across the EU. 

Think-tank, Demos investigates evidence-based reform across children's services

The political think-tank, Demos, have released a report exploring how systems can be created that make better and more widespread use of evidence-based practice.

EEP Evidence Support Programme miniguides

As you may already by aware, the Educational Evidence Portal (EEP) is an online search engine that helps you find educational evidence from a range of reputable UK sources ( EEP have recently developed a new set of online learning materials to support people wishing to make more use of evidence and the services offered through the eep portal.