Past Events

CEBE holds regular events, ranging from roundtable discussions and debates, through to focused strategy meetings for specific initiatives. We also advertise relevant events that are taking place in organisations across the network – please get in touch with any thing you would like to promote.

Closing the Achievement Gap


Closing the Achievement Gap

Tuesday 6th November 2012, 9.30am - 1pm

Oakdene Primary School, Stockton-on-Tees, TS23 3NR

EIPPEE second annual conference

What progress have we made in achieving evidence informed policy and practice and what are our future visions for such work?

IEE Conference 2013: Getting evidence-based practices to work

Getting evidence-based practices to work

The desire to make better use of research evidence in both education practice and policy making is rising to the top of the political agenda across party divides. But how can it be done more effectively and reliably? This is the central theme of the second IEE conference, aimed at policy makers, practitioners, and consultants, on Thursday 21 March and Friday 22 March at the University of York.

ResearchED 2013

researchED 2013 will be held at Dulwich College in London on Saturday 7th September 2013.

Linking evidence and practice – What works? What next?

Church House Conference Centre, Westminster

This NFER event, hosted as part of CEBE’s seminar series exploring the complex linkages between research and practice, was held on Tuesday, 28 January 2014. Chaired by Carole Willis, NFER Chief Executive, this seminar provided delegates with the opportunity to explore findings and recommendations from the recent review “Using Evidence in the Classroom: What Works and Why?”

A facilitated discussion hosted by experts from across the sector on the key messages from the NFER review covering:

What role do school networks play in effective knowledge mobilisation?

City Hall, London

What evidence is there that the growing numbers of school networks, ranging from the Specialist Schools and Academy Trust, Challenge Partners and Future Leaders to Pedagoo and TeachMeet, have real impact? The wide spread of such groups, from national bodies to grassroots organisation, indicates a frontline appetite. However, as was seen at the recent Education Select Committee session on school-to-school support, evidence of their impact remains limited.

Save the date - Institute for Effective Education Conference

The theme of the next IEE conference will be 'Delivering Evidence Across the System'.

Further details to come...

Should Government have a role in choreographing an evidence system in education?

Department for Education, Sanctuary Buildings, Westminster, London

Challenges in Conducting Randomised Controlled Trials in Real World Settings

The fourth in an ESRC Research Seminar Series, this FREE event will appeal to research funders and commissioners, policy makers, researchers, and others with an interest in the practicalities of running large research projects in education.

The presenters are Robert Slavin (IEE and Johns Hopkins University), Alan Cheung (Johns Hopkins University and the Hong Kong Institute of Education), and Judy Hutchings (Bangor University).

The seminar is being held at The Institute for Effective Education, at the University of York on 10 October 2014.

Further information

The Science and Practice of ‘Active Implementation Frameworks’ in improving services to people

The RSA, 8 John Adam Street, London WC2

Melissa Van Dyke, Co-Director, the National Implementation Research Network (NIRN), University of N. Carolina