Evidence for the frontline: What works for practitioners
Evidence for the frontline: What works for practicioners
Tuesday 23rd October 2012 12-2pm
Nesta, 1 Plough Place, London, EC4A 1DE
This is a lunchtime seminar being held by Aliance for Useful Evidence in partnership with the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). The event will explore issues such as: what are the evidence needs of practicioners? What are the best ways of communicating and implementing evidence into practice and how can professional/representative bodies support this? How can best practice in using evidence be shared across professions?
Speakers include Andrea Sutcliffe (Chief Executive, SCIE) Chair; Dr Kevan Collins (Chief Executive, Education Endowment Fund); Superintendent Alex Murray (Society of Evidence Based Policing) and Professor Jonathan Shepherd (University of Cardiff). There will also be the opportunity to hear from a social care practitioner at SCIE who has worked directly with local authorities in implementing evidence into practice.
If you'd like to attend pease register at the following link http://frontlineevidence.eventbrite.com/