Evidence-based programmes: Breaking down barriers to effective implementation

Organised by the Social Research Unit at Dartington and the Institute for Effective Education at the University of York, this interactive half-day seminar will take place on:

Monday 26 March from 1pm until 5.30pm at London Living Room, City Hall, London  

   The past year has seen a number of significant policy initiatives to support the capture, development and dissemination of evidence-based interventions in education and children's services. Government's recent review of Early Intervention, led by Graham Allen MP and widely endorsed across all political parties, sets out a bold pathway to identify and expand evidence-based programmes that address issues such as early literacy, parenting and drug/alcohol abuse. Likewise, the newly formed Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is planning to invest up to £200m to support the dissemination of cost-effective programmes that improve educational outcomes for pupils in the country's most challenging circumstances.

With such practical policy support now emerging, we need a much clearer understanding of the opportunities, challenges and objections to getting research-proven approaches working within frontline organisations.

Aimed primarily at practitioners and all types of policy-makers - national, regional and local - this event will:

• explore the latest scientific and policy developments related to evidence-based interventions
• showcase examples of the effective implementation of evidence-based programmes
• explore organisational challenges and professional objections to the implementation of programmes

It is hoped the sessions will contribute to a more coherent strategy for embedding effective approaches in our schools, colleges and children's centres.

This event is now fully booked but please follow the link to add your name to the waiting list.
